CEOs: Don't Hire a Part-Time CFO before taking a close look at our "More than Just a CFO" Program!

You'll Get MUCH MORE, you will pay WAY LESS, AND Your Company will be much more Valuable


Here is What’s Included:


  • CFO Coach:  online coaching and mentoring from a Nationally Renowned, Award Winning CPA/CFO, where I’ll help make sure you get your questions answered and get your team right!
  • Knowledge:  A 60 Day “Real World MBA” in Finance, Accounting, Tax, & Wealth
  • Tools & Systems: Immediately "plug and play" ready: For your Accounting team, Advisors, and Company
  • Access to Andrew Hunzicker, CPA, CFO, CEO via online group, online office hours, & live Q&A calls
  • Access to Community of Experts, CFOs, CPAs, Advisors, & Trained Bookkeepers as well as 7 Figure CEOs


We know this works, we know what to do, and we can teach you to take control over your Financial Life 


Take a Sneak Peak as Andrew Hunzicker CPA shows you around the program


email [email protected] to learn how I can help you fix your Accounting Function!


"CEO CFO is the most comprehensive and well thought out course I've ever taken. Andrew has thought of everything! I've always felt intimidated by the back-end financials of my business. The information in this course gave me the confidence, and the information I needed to really step into my business as the CEO and CFO. It's also comforting to know that I can refer back to any of the lessons any time I need a refresher."

Jen L.
7 Figure CEO

Book a Call with Andrew

Not sure if this is what you are looking for? I offer 3 tiers of service: Full Time CFO (very pricey), Part Time CFO, and our More than a CFO Program. I also can you refer to trained Bookkeepers, CPAs, tax advisors, CFOs, and more. I'll spend an hour with you to see where you are now, what you need, and we'll come up with real ideas to upgrade your Company.

"You’ve really illustrated that the gap between what I know and what I should know is wide, and I’m excited to see what business life is like with it closed. I guess for me personally, I’m always focused on marketing and leaving the CFO stuff as an afterthought since it’s mostly for tax purposes. I like how you’ve removed a bit of guilt (since even massive companies have errors) but also shown how valuable world class financials are. Thank you Andrew"

Julius, K. CEO


I'm Andrew Hunzicker

An award-winning and nationally renowned Speaker and Author. I've helped hundreds of Bookkeepers, CFOs, and CPAs get their accounting, taxes, finances, and wealth management done right.

Will you be next?

[email protected]

CEO Free Self-Assessment Tool

Download this 5 Minute Free Self Assessment and see if you "beat" the score of 50 (an "F") that most CEOs get when they take this test

Free Download 5 Secrets to Know Before Hiring a CFO

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